Chasing ACT Player Details

I am doing some further research into former ACT Cricketers. Anyone who is able to assist, please contact me below. I am after full names including middle names, dates of birth, places of birth and if relevant dates of death and places of death. Even if possible batting and bowling styles.

I use the information to generate different types of statistics including various youngest/oldest statistics for ACT representative and grade cricket. Also I use the details for full initials and to make sure spelling of names of players are correct in records and statistics.


S McDermott

Opened the batting and bowling for White City in B Grade in 1926/27. Likely to have moved out of the ACT after 1927 as White City was a camp near the current Hotel Canberra.

O Richards

Played for Canberra and Eastlake but left the ACT district after 1926. He was linked with the Eastlake Tennis Club and was possibly the Canberra Railway Station Master. Possibly from Port Augusta, South Australia.

Keith Elgin Carroll

Played for Canberra and Northbourne in the late 1920s.

Jock McKenzie

Played for Ainslie and Acton in the early 1930s. Also played National (Australian) Football for Ainslie.

George Sturt Sutherland

Played for Kingston in the 1930s. Played Rugby League for Acton, Tennis for Kingston and worked at Census and Statistics.

Edward Murphy

Played for Kingston and Manuka in the 1930s. Likely to have passed away in 1970.

N McDonald

Played for Ainslie and Manuka between 1930 and 1934. Left the district after 1934.

H Fitzgerald

Played for Northbourne and one match for the ACT in 1940/41.

James Chapman

Played for Barton in the ACT War-Time Competition and for the ACT in 1945/46.

Edward McCarthy

Born in 1916 and played for ACT and Ainslie in 1946/47.


No first name or initial. Played for RMC and ACT in 1946/47, so was unlikely to have been in the ACT for long.

R Cole

Played for Fairbairn in lower grades and ACT in 1946/47. Also unlikely to have been in the district for long.

Jack Murphy

Played for Kingston, Manuka and Queanbeyan. Played for the ACT between 1947/48 and 1949/50.

Bernard Lynch (known as Barney)

Played for Ainslie and Kingston and for the ACT in 1948/49. Likely to have passed away in 1976.

William (Bill) Henderson

Originally from country Queensland. Was a wicket-keeper who played for Ainslie and also for the ACT in 1951/52.

Max Jolliffe

Played for the ACT between 1951 and 1963 and also baseball for the ACT. Moved to Newcastle in the 1970s. Played for Ainslie, Northbourne and Turner.

Ian Graham McLellan

Born in Melbourne in 1933. Played for RMC and ACT in 1952/53. Also played for the Prime Minister’s XI match.

John Thomas Loftus

Born in 1932. Played for ACT and Ainslie in 1953/54. Played a lot of football for Ainslie Football Club including being best and fairest in 1958.

Gerald Allison (Gerry) Hamilton

Played for Ainslie and the ACT between 1955/56 and 1962/63. Born in 1937 and played Rugby Union for the ACT.

Len Nash

Wicket-keeper. Played for Kingston and for the ACT in 1955/56. Played for Sydney University and then went overseas.

Brian James

From Yass and played for Ainslie and the ACT. Born around 1934 and made many representative sides including the Prime Minister’s XI.

Douglas Keith Walker

Played for Ainslie and Northbourne and ACT between 1956/57 and 1959/60. Passed away in 1993.

Fred Seymour

Fast bowler who played for Queanbeyan and ACT in 1956/57.

John Wheeler

Played for Queanbeyan between 1957/58 and 1960/61 as well as the ACT. Outstanding Australian Football player with Queanbeyan and the ACT and inducted into their Wall of Fame in 1996. Cousin of fellow ACT player Mal Wheeler. Born in 1940 but has since passed away but I am unaware of when that occurred.

David Reid

Played for Turner and the ACT between 1957/58 and 1962/63.

John Webb

Played for Ainslie and Northern Suburbs and the ACT between 1957/58 and 1963/64.

Barry Malcolm Strahan

Played grade cricket for Kingston, Turner and Western District and the ACT between 1958/59 and 1962/63.

John Bernard Hukins.

Played for the ACT in 1959/60 and grade cricket for Kingston, Manuka and Northern Suburbs. Moved to Sydney and worked for the Commonwealth Bank.

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